Friday, September 25, 2009

A Little Taste of Hate: Part Duex

Thanks for the lovely introduction Katie. I look like such a winner in those shots ;)

So, a commenter requested I elaborate on the Pandemic we are facing on this planet, and I don't mean the Swine Flu (a.k.a Chuppacabra's Return). I mean this:

That's right, Socks and Sandals. I don't even know what to say. It seems so obvious, like the furry Crocs issue. I think a simple flow chart may help us here:

It is that simple. The question of socks does not even come into the picture. Because there is no question. If it is too hot to wear shoes, then there is no way that you need to throw some socks into the mix. I don't think it needs to be said, but clearly it does. Socks will make your feet warmer, which is what we are trying to aviod with the whole sandal thing. If you are worried about having cold feet, put on some shoes!!!!!! On the other side, if it is too cold to wear sandals, putting socks on is just not a viable solution. You see, socks tend to be a little airy, being made of cloth and all, so they aren't really going to provide much warmth. There are some materials that will produce an increase in podiatral warmth (I'm pretty sure podiatral isn't a word, but you get the picture): leather, canvas, suede and whatever other materials your SHOES are made out of.

A quick query into the wonderous world of the Urban Dictionary provided me with the following definition of socks and sandals:
The gangster way for wearing sandels. The only time you will catch a gangster wearing sandels is if its summer time and they are wearing some crispy (white) socks with some adidas or jordan or nike sandels. Shit is too GANGSTA. Old people think its gay but anybody who knows fashion knows is G as a mothafucka.
During the summer I rock nottin but socks and sandals my nigga.

I'm pretty sure that must have been written by this guy, and not just because of the spelling mistakes:
If this is the voice of the Socks and Sandals movement, I think my point has been made and no further discussion is needed.

On a similar vein, lets talk about these chicks:

All of the same simple rules apply, just replace socks with uggs, and skirts with sandals. There is no need for this. It isn't cute, not cute at all. In fact, you look like you may be suffering from some sort of mental deficiency. What else could possibly explain you waking up in the morning and thinking these outfits are OK? I'm not going to elaborate, it is just the same thing over and over again. I'm getting depressed.

So, the moral of the story is:

Don't do this to your kids:
And don't do this to your Grandpa:

Next week, we need to move away from footwear, and fashion altogether. I have few ideas coming together, but will gladly take suggestions.

And this has been your Little Taste of Hate with Ken Wall, go forth and be bountiful.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fat people are fun

What is he so happy about?

She looks so surprised, I wonder if she ever realized that she is the one double fish hooking her face.

What is he thinking about? This is gonna keep me up all night...seriously.

Whahappened to whahappened

I suck, I have not been able to follow up the Croc Hating blog that my buddy wrote last Friday. I think about blogging every single day but how could I follow his funny thought process with some retarded blog on zebra print rugs. I just couldn't do it. I'm sorry! He has made me question my own reality just from that blog on Crocs. I don't know if people will accept a blog that has no defined genre. I am no expert in anything except in being me and all the crazy stuff that happens in my life around me. So maybe if you don't mind that each day will bring a different thought maybe it won't get confusing. This will just be a random blog expressing the various ideas and emotions I go through on a minute to minute basis.

"I don't get it"

And by He, I mean Mr. Ken Wall...Engininja. He is a deep thinker, he questions, he hates, he feels. Which brings me to the wonderful news that Ken will be blogging every Friday on my Blog. We just had a quick "meeting" in my office and in between him using my stapler as a pair of nun chucks and discussing the meaning of his life, we decided on a name for his Friday blog..."A Little Taste of Hate". We all hate, admit it, Ken just has a nice way of really pin pointing the hate and verbalizing it perfectly!

Oh and by the by, a lot of stuff goes down in my little office. Besides me working like a frantic little piggy, my office also doubles as a psychiatrists chair for everyone who walks my office halls. When someone comes in and closes my door, I usually know that for the next ten minutes (at least), I will be hearing some crazy-ass personal dilemma or escapade to which I will listen and then offer my advice. Serously, last week when I had work coming out of my eyeballs, my office door was practically on a turnstyle. I was so stressed out that I was sweating and I felt like screaming when the next person walked through the door. And because sometimes I don't think before I act, I did scream and I looked up and it was my boss :( WHA WHA WHAAAAAAA! Thank God for me, my boss is Rad so no harm no foul.
Don't get me wrong, I am not at all complaining because these people I work with are fantastic friends and I usually get a good giggle. I also think I live vicariously (no, I did not say bi-curiously) through many of the tales I hear...from time to time my jaw actually drops on the floor. I am a very difficult person to shock, so when someone does, I say BRAVO!

So anywho...I wanted to let you know about my new Friday blogger, Ken Wall. I think we will all enjoy reading his Friday haten blogs. Oh, and here are a few pics of the punk.

Using my stapler as nun chucks

Little red riding Ken