So, a commenter requested I elaborate on the Pandemic we are facing on this planet, and I don't mean the Swine Flu (a.k.a Chuppacabra's Return). I mean this:
A quick query into the wonderous world of the Urban Dictionary provided me with the following definition of socks and sandals:
The gangster way for wearing sandels. The only time you will catch a gangster wearing sandels is if its summer time and they are wearing some crispy (white) socks with some adidas or jordan or nike sandels. Shit is too GANGSTA. Old people think its gay but anybody who knows fashion knows is G as a mothafucka.During the summer I rock nottin but socks and sandals my nigga.
I'm pretty sure that must have been written by this guy, and not just because of the spelling mistakes:
On a similar vein, lets talk about these chicks:
All of the same simple rules apply, just replace socks with uggs, and skirts with sandals. There is no need for this. It isn't cute, not cute at all. In fact, you look like you may be suffering from some sort of mental deficiency. What else could possibly explain you waking up in the morning and thinking these outfits are OK? I'm not going to elaborate, it is just the same thing over and over again. I'm getting depressed.
So, the moral of the story is:
Don't do this to your kids:
Next week, we need to move away from footwear, and fashion altogether. I have few ideas coming together, but will gladly take suggestions.
And this has been your Little Taste of Hate with Ken Wall, go forth and be bountiful.