Thursday, August 13, 2009

Bye 4 Now

That's right folks, I am off on my vacation for a week. It has been over a year since my last get away and I am completely brain fried and border line retarded at this point. I begin my trip in the Forest then over to Napa and head on down to Monterey. I will see you when I get back and I will post my pictures when I get back.
P.S. I am going camping and there are no showers...this should prove to be very interesting indeed!

1950's Beach

I found these delicious images from Time on Google Images. I love looking at pictures from the 50's and 60's. They remind me of pin-ups. I thought you would all like to see the cute suits from the 50's. I would love to bust out in these getups.

All images from LIFE

Love...Love...Love the Wilson Bros

I am pretty positive that I could spend an entire weekend renting movies that the Wilson Brothers have been in. There are so many winners and fantastically odd characters in every single one of them. I think that for the most part, these guys have done a great job of picking movies and creating characters that are funny, weird, human, mis-understood and memorable. I love the independent films they have done and if you have not had a chance to take in any of the movies below, please do so immediately. You will not be disappointed. These movies make me so happy!

The Life Aquatic is Fantastic and has such an incredible cast! One of my favorites.
The Royal Tenenbaums is another quirky, funny movie with a winner of a cast. The charecters are so odd, yet you fall in love with all of them. I love that Luke is a washed up tennis champ and still dresses the part. Who ever developed these characters is radical. They are so out there.
I am not sure if many people have seen this one. Darjeeling was awsome. If you have not seen this, go out and rent it straight away. Put it on your Netflix que. This is a classic movie filled with odd moments that made me smile. Good STUFF!

Marley and Me was a movie that took me by surprise. I did not read the book so I had no idea what I was in for when I rented it one evening. It is such a good life movie. I laughed all throughout the movie and then I think I cried for 20 minutes straight at the end.

This is a fantastic movie! If you have not seen Bottle Rocket, go out and rent it immediately! It was an Indy film made in the 90's with the Wilsons. This movie introduced them to me and I absolutely fell in love with their quirky personalities.

Meet the Parents. One of my favorite lines in this movie is [On who inspired him to be a wood worker] "I'd have to say Jesus. He was a carpenter and I figured if you're going to follow in somebody's footsteps, why not the steps of our lord and savior"?

Old School has to be one of the funniest movies put out in the last 15 years. From ear muffs to Blue to the Wedding Singer, there is so much good stuff in this movie.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Jack Rogers Sandals

I fell in love with these tasty sandals from Jack Rogers. They come in an array of fun colors and are priced between $66.00 to $130.00. You can buy them here: Jack Rogers

Jack Rogers Shoes has been in business making shoes in the U.S.A. since the early 1960's. Their shoes have been worn by many celebrities, and are available in numerous colors and sizes for women and children.

Image from Polyvore

Images from Navajo Sandals

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I want to ride a bicycle...I want to ride my Bike! - Queen

So my new joy is to ride a bike. I think it all started when my boyfriend began training for his triathlon. He was searching craigslist for a used street bike for around $200.00. This proved to be no easy task. Apparently, biking is totally in. I am not sure if it was ever out or it was just that I stopped paying attention to bikes when I realized a car was a much more convenient and fast means to get around. Well, I watched my boyfriend search like crazy for a half way decent bike and he finally found one. On top of the fact that he was now out and about riding around San Diego without me! So there I am, alone, in my house when my boy toy is out riding in Coronado or at the bay. Not one to be stuck not participating in life, I borrowed my father's mountain bike, threw on super tight spandex and a huge melon of a helmet and I joined the leagues of people who are out annoying the hell out of drivers.

Apparently you can also play croquet while biking....who knew?

This is what I looked like on my bike! Seriously, it's like looking in a mirror :)

I have got to tell you...the whole experience was liberating! I thoroughly enjoyed riding through Balboa Park, around Hillcrest and back to North Park. I rode on the street, trying not to get run over or hit by some unsuspecting motorist. I looked like a total fool but felt amazing. I encourage everyone to miss the gym for 1 day and instead get your bike on!
I felt like this chick after my long bike ride...the Liberator! She's hot and bare breasted, always a super combo on a bike.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Robyn Karp Interiors

Ohhhh drool, swoon, bat eyelashes, blush and scream like a 14 year old girl! I am so loving Robyn Karp Interiors designs. They are funky, fresh, classic and clean all rolled into one delicious package.

I am absolutely loving the Brown stripped rug with turquoise accents.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

My DIY Kitchen Chairs

I finally finished up my kitchen chairs last weekend. I ripped off the U.G.L.Y. (It aint got no alibi) old dark blue fabric that must have been put on these chairs back in 1842. I bought this fantastic breakfast table and chairs from one of my most favorite antique shops in Ocean Beach when I first moved into my new craftsman house. There is an adorable breakfast nook in the kitchen and when I saw this table and chairs, I knew they were meant to be there. The new fabric cost me a total of $14.00! Yup, I didn't stutter. I think it looks super duper now, happy and clean. I have to say, the upholstery job was incredibly easy and completely worth it. Yahoo for do it yourself make overs.