Friday, September 11, 2009

Brown Baby Brown

I have been a little scurrrrred but I have made a decision to paint our guest bedroom chocolate brown.
Why am I scurrred you ask? Well, I worry about my room looking like a dark dungeon rather than a happy guest suite. I desperately want my friends and family to have a room in our house that is relaxing, inviting and delightful. But then I saw these pictures and they changed my mind. I love the brown, white and black rooms below. Have a great weekend! I will take pictures and post them when I come back.
All pictures were from Decor Pad and Google Images.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

WHA HAPPENED...No Seriously!

Ok, I am not about to totally rag on the fact that these ladies are totally normal human beings but I am going to rag a little on the fact that they aint all that in the buff! As women, we are brainwashed by movies, tv, magazines and society that we, the every day women, are supposed to look our best. And what happens when our best never ever comes close to what we see every single day of our lives through media. We end up asking ourselves why don't we look like Britney Spears or why can't my hair look like Julia Roberts. Then after we ask ourselves these ridiculous questions the next thing women end up doing is battering ourselves emotionally because no matter what we try, no matter what products we buy, we never look like the stars. Well, I am posting today's post with the hopes that all the ladies will get a gander of reality. These "stars" are not what they appear to be. They are women, who with the help of money, professional make-up artists, stylists, facials, lipo, lip injections, hair extensions, thousands of dollars of shoes and wardrobes, nutritionists and personal trainers are magically transformed into what we see and dream about resembling. So take a break from critiquing yourself. Stop comparing yourself and quit beating yourself down. Because I bet, you will discover that you probably look a whole hell of a lot better in reality than some of these "stars" do.