Friday, September 18, 2009

Crocs are lame...

Hello Burrus Fans!!

I have been instructed by the beautiful KT to be her FIRST Friday Guest Blogger (Unnecessary Capital letters Fully intended, get over it). I work with Katie, and I used to be her personal Blog Admin before she left me for a company that may actually pay attention to her needs (which I kind of doubt).

I wanted her to give me topics, and I was told to write about something that irritates me, so here it is.


Especially Crocs in inappropriate outfits.

I was walking through the mall today and saw a tall man who was from some tech company (looked like someone from Samsung or LG, you do the math). He was very clean-cut: recently trimmed hair, nice glasses, a sports coat, matching slacks; typical corporate look. Until my eyes reached his shoes. Bright orange Crocs!!!! I started laughing, and not before he got out of ear shot. I mean, are you fucking kidding me!!!! Are you going romping in the San Diego River after this? Just going to your last meeting for the day, and then straight to the water front?

Moving on from the inappropriate combinations, let us discuss the overall practicality of the shoe design itself. Although I rarely see people wearing these in the water, lets pretend for a moment that they are indeed often used for their "intended" purpose (uncessary quations intentional as well. Please see this blog). I think another photo is in order:
Let us first observe the heel. What the fuck is up with the strap? Couldn't they just bring the backing all the way up so the shoe doesn't slip off when you are frolicking in the ocean? The tread looks decent, so I won't invent any hate on that; but what about the little texturing inside? It reminds me of those old Adidas sandals we used to pretend were cool. The ones with the little plastic acupressure thingys where your feet go. You remember them. You remember the blisters they caused, and the fact that you ended up wearing socks with them (which is a completely separate blog entry: Socks and Sandals: A Pandemic). It seems like this texture was added to keep the damn things on your feet, which could easily have been resolved by rethinking that heel strap.

And how about these puppies?

Really? Water shoes with synthetic fur? Am I the only one that is having trouble understanding the point here? These ones look like they would fall off even faster! And if my feet are cold, why would I want holes in my shoes? I am offended by these shoes, and I am not easily offended.

For further research, please see the following sites:
I Hate Crocs
George Bush Loves Crocs
The Danger of Crocs (I've seen a few of these BTW)
Crocs: They look like shit, and they make your feet smell (spend some time on this site, this guy is full of hate, in a good way...)
And in a halfassed attempt to be unbiased go here

And I'm spent!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Oh Snap

My doll of a friend Melissa sent me this picture. I told her that I like Jon Gosselin more than I like Kanye and she replied with "Ohhh, that's a tough one.... I want to junk punch them both"

Well said Melissa.
And in closing, RIP Patrick, you will be remembered fondly by all.

Run by Rating! SON OF A BIATCH!

So there I am, busting my ass, running in the trails near Balboa Park. These trails aren't what I would consider easy trails so I really am hustling and pushing myself to run up another hill. It's tough, I am struggling and it takes me a lot to talk myself into doing it at times. This was one of those days where it was hard and it was total mind over matter to keep myself going. So there I am, in my running spandex leggings, sports bra and fully covered wife beater. I am not showing skin here and I in no way give two shits about how I look when I go out to exercise...come to think of it, I don't really care when I am not exercising. Ok, that's not the point, the point is that while I was jogging some random dude who was hiking with his friend yells out "5". It was like he had turrets or something. It took me a few seconds wondering why did he just yell a number out to me...but then it hit me. That SOB just rated me! I just received a hike by rating. HOLY JEEZZZ! As soon as the realization hit that some douche just rated me I then realized I only got a 5. I'm a 5? I am not even a 6? But a 5? I am just BLAHHH, not hurting the eyes, not making babies cry but not past mediocre? So I immediately stopped in my tracks and I believe in the distance I heard the sound of record scratching. Don't get me wrong, I do find the humor in the situation but I still can't wrap my head that I was the rating target. I don't really care that I was a 5, but seriously, you are going to randomly rate some chick who is minding her own business trying to get her workout on?

All I can say is that if I was a 5 in my sweaty, dirty workout mode than I would have to assume that I could quite possibly be a 5.5 once I get cleaned up. YESSSSS! What a self esteem booster, just what a girl needs when trying to run up a mountain.

So thanks Mr. lady score keeper man, thank you for bringing me back to reality. Needless to say, after I heard my score I walked the rest of the way.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Is life made up by little moments of happiness?

What kind of life would you have if you spent all your time worrying, working, crying, pushing yourself, stressing, depressed, alone, hungry, dirty, wanting, terrified? Of course we all feel all those feelings and thoughts that bring us down and make us wonder if we can survive. But I would have to say that when you come right down to it, to the moment when you realize your life is over...what are the things and moments that you reflect upon? Let's say you found out that you had 3 minutes to live...literally 3 minutes. Would you reflect on your work or would you reflect on your accomplishments? Would you remember the times you felt lonely or the moments when you felt the love of friends and family? Would you focus on your failures or the times when you shined? Do you remember that your life was miserable or do you think of the times when your life was great? Granted, you probably will be horrified to find out you had three minutes left of your life but I think you would think about your loved ones you might be leaving behind or thinking that you will never kiss that person again. You might think that "My God, I will never see the sun set or feel the soft fur of your dog when you are petting him". But my point is, is that you will think of all the moments of happiness that you experienced in your life. I know this is a very sad thought, but the truth is though it may seem sad, I think it is brilliant to take some time when you feel you have all the time in the world to reflect on the little moments of happiness in your life. So my blog pictures are those things that make me feel SO happy, no matter how insignificant they seem to be, these things make me happy!

Monday, September 14, 2009


Just in case he reads this...
Dear Kanye,

You are a shart in humanities underpants.

Yours truly,