So there I am, busting my ass, running in the trails near Balboa Park. These trails aren't what I would consider easy trails so I really am hustling and pushing myself to run up another hill. It's tough, I am struggling and it takes me a lot to talk myself into doing it at times. This was one of those days where it was hard and it was total mind over matter to keep myself going. So there I am, in my running spandex leggings, sports bra and fully covered wife beater. I am not showing skin here and I in no way give two shits about how I look when I go out to exercise...come to think of it, I don't really care when I am not exercising. Ok, that's not the point, the point is that while I was jogging some random dude who was hiking with his friend yells out "5". It was like he had turrets or something. It took me a few seconds wondering why did he just yell a number out to me...but then it hit me. That SOB just rated me! I just received a hike by rating. HOLY JEEZZZ! As soon as the realization hit that some douche just rated me I then realized I only got a 5. I'm a 5? I am not even a 6? But a 5? I am just BLAHHH, not hurting the eyes, not making babies cry but not past mediocre? So I immediately stopped in my tracks and I believe in the distance I heard the sound of record scratching. Don't get me wrong, I do find the humor in the situation but I still can't wrap my head that I was the rating target. I don't really care that I was a 5, but seriously, you are going to randomly rate some chick who is minding her own business trying to get her workout on?
All I can say is that if I was a 5 in my sweaty, dirty workout mode than I would have to assume that I could quite possibly be a 5.5 once I get cleaned up. YESSSSS! What a self esteem booster, just what a girl needs when trying to run up a mountain.
So thanks Mr. lady score keeper man, thank you for bringing me back to reality. Needless to say, after I heard my score I walked the rest of the way.
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