So my new joy is to ride a bike. I think it all started when my boyfriend began training for his triathlon. He was searching craigslist for a used street bike for around $200.00. This proved to be no easy task. Apparently, biking is totally in. I am not sure if it was ever out or it was just that I stopped paying attention to bikes when I realized a car was a much more convenient and fast means to get around. Well, I watched my boyfriend search like crazy for a half way decent bike and he finally found one. On top of the fact that he was now out and about riding around San Diego without me! So there I am, alone, in my house when my boy toy is out riding in Coronado or at the bay. Not one to be stuck not participating in life, I borrowed my father's mountain bike, threw on super tight spandex and a huge melon of a helmet and I joined the leagues of people who are out annoying the hell out of drivers.
Apparently you can also play croquet while biking....who knew?
I felt like this chick after my long bike ride...the Liberator! She's hot and bare breasted, always a super combo on a bike.

Very excelent post KT. Dont forget about