Friday, September 4, 2009

Buh Bye Summer...

We ring in another Labor Day this long weekend. Labor day reminds me of two things...1. I always turn a year older (my birthday is September 3) and 2. Summer is on its last legs. Both of these truths bring a tear to my eye. Both are moments of time gone by.

But what is Labor Day?

Dedicated in honor of the worker, it is also appropriately called the "workingman's holiday". The holiday is dedicated to you in respect and appreciation for the work you do in or outside of the home, union or non-union, big company, small companies, or government. As long as you work somewhere at something, this holiday is for you!
The first Labor Day was held celebrated in New York City on September 5, 1882 and was started by the Central Labor Union in New York City. In 1884, it was moved to the first Monday in September where it is celebrated today. Labor Day quickly became popular and one state after another voted it as a holiday. On June 28, 1894, the U.S. congress voted it a national holiday.
Labor Day is also viewed as the official end of summer. While the Fall Equinox is still a couple of weeks away, kids go back to school and summer vacations are over. So this marks the end of the season. Many people celebrate this weekend with one last picnic. It is also the date that many people close up the pool, and put away the boats.

So I kiss goodbye 33 and I guess welcome 34 with a hesitant hug and strong hopes that this will be a kick ass year. And as for saying goodbye to summer, though it makes me a bit a sad because the long days will get shorter and the beautiful weather will grow colder, I am super excited for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas time to come my way.

I hope you all enjoy the 3 day weekend. Enjoy some rest, sun and loved ones.

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