Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A hand to hold

There is something so special about holding someones hand. From such an early age, the moment of birth really, it seems to be natural for a baby to grab for another's hand. Babies reach out and grab their parents hand for the first time, toddlers are taught to hold your hand before crossing the street, children grab other children's hands to go play. When we grow up, fall in love it is an automatic reaction to take your love's hand to hold. People everywhere, no matter what age, have a desire to hold another person's hand. It is a completely acceptable way to display affection publicly.
There is nothing sweeter than to see a couple in their 80's walking in the grocery store, holding hands. Hand holding is a tangible reaction to how a person feels. Today, I thought I would share some delightful pictures of hand holding. Who's hand was the last that you held?

These last two cuties are my neice and nephew. They love each other to pieces. Chase, my nephew, actually named Sky, his sister, while she was still in my sister's belly.

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